New Frontiers of Divorce


California is the leading state in the development of many aspects of Family Law. California was the first state that allowed interracial marriage (Perez 1948), no-fault divorces (Civil Code 1969), alimony (Marvin 1976), domestic partnerships (1984), and same sex-marriages (Cases 2008). California has the most diverse population in the United States and leads other states in inter-racial/ethnic marriages. More than 15 percent of California's population is 55 years of age or older; more than 25 percent are immigrants; and more than 50 percent speak a language other than English. This year's Cultural Competency seminar focuses on the complexities that cultural differences have raised in Family Law practice. Seven (7) panels of highly experienced Family Law Judges, Certified Family Law Specialists, and expert psychologists will examine these issues and the challenges facing every family law practitioner.