
8:00 to 8:30
Sign-up and French Continental Breakfast
8:30 to 8:45
Welcome Ceremony
Ronald F. Brot, Esq., (Pres. LACBA); Azadeh Gilbert, Esq., (Pres. IALA); Stephen D. Hamilton, Esq., CFLS (FLEXCOM-CLI); Hon. Thomas Trent Lewis, Supervising Judge (LASC Family Law Division); David Yamamoto, Esq., CFLS (Chair Family Law Section, LACBA); Prof. Steve S. Zand, Esq., CFLS (UWLA)
8:45 to 9:00
Event, Panels, Discussion, Sponsors and Management
Abbas Hadjian, Esq., B.A., MPA, J.D., CFLS, Attorney at Law
9:00 to 9:15
Through the lens of intersectionality: Making the invisible visible
Dr. Gitu Bhatia (Psy.D) Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Adjunct faculty at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University and Clinical Instructor (Voluntary) David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
9:15 to 10:30
Panel 1 - The Millenial Family: Moving Toward a Marriage-less Society
Patrice Courteau, Psy.D., MA, LMFT, Mediation/ Collaborative Divorce Coach and Child Specialist; Hon. Thomas Trent Lewis, Supervising Judge (LASC Family Law Division), CFLS, AAML, IAFL; Diana L. Martinez, Esq., Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator, Holstrom, Block & Parke, APLC; Samantha McBride, Esq.
Moderator: Diana L. Martinez, Esq.
10:30 to 10:45
Tea & Coffee Break
10:45 to 12:00
Panel 2 - Co-existence of Tradition & Modernity: The Native American's Experience
Hon. Amy M. Pellman, Judge LASC; Vida Castaneda, Senior Analyst, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, Operations and Programs Division, Judicial Council of California; Mark A. Vezzola, Esq., Directing Attorney, California Indian Legal Services
Moderator: Hon. Amy M. Pellman
12:00 to 12:45
Traditional Persian Lunch
12:15 to 13:15
Panel 3 - Lunch With Your Family Law Judge
Hon. Christine Byrd, Judge LASC; Hon. Laura Cohen, Comm. LASC; Hon. Firdaus F. Dordy, Judge LASC; Hon. Mark H. Epstein, Judge LASC; Hon. Bruce G. Iwasaki, Judge LASC; Hon. Thomas Trent Lewis, Supervising Judge LASC (Family Law Division); Hon. Anna M. Luna, Judge LASC; Hon Roy Paul, Judge Retired; Hon. Amy Pellman, Judge LASC; Hon. Maria Puente-Porras, Judge LASC; Hon. Anne K. Richardson, Judge, LASC; Hon. Lawrence P. Riff, Judge LASC; Hon. Davis A. Rosen, Judge,LASC; Hon. Jonathan L. Rosenbloom, Judge LASC; Hon. Michelle Short, Judge LASC; Hon. Harvey A. Silberman, Judge LASC; Hon. B. Scott Silverman, Judge LASC; Hon. Ashley Tabaddor, President of the National Association of Immigration Judges; Judge LASC; Hon. Shirley K. Watkins, Judge LASC; Hon. Joshua Wayser, Judge LASC
Moderators: Laurel Brauer, Esq., CFLS; Jinna Kang, Esq., CFLS; Steve S. Zand, Esq., CFLS
13:15 to 14:30
Panel 4 - War and Marriage: Impact of War on the Military's Families
Hon. Christine Byrd, Judge LASC; Matthew C. Dolan, Esq.; Dr. Kimberly Finney, Psy. D., ABPP, ABMP, Clinical Associate Professor (USC); Hon. Roy Paul, Judge Ret.; S. Roger Rombro, Esq., CFLS, Rombro and Manley, LLP.; William Spiller, Jr., Esq.; Kathleen West, MPH, Dr PH, Senior Program Manager at Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
Moderator: S. Roger Rombro, Esq., CFLS.
14:30 to 14:45
Tea & Coffee Break
14:45 to 16:00
Panel 5 - Multiple Parenting: Families With More Than Two Legal Parents To a Child
Linda L. Bortell, Psy.D., Bortell Psychological Inc.; Diane M. Goodman, Esq., JD, PhD, Law & Mediation Office of Diane M. Goodman; Leslie Ellen Shear, Esq., CFLS, CALS and IAFL, attorney At Law; Hon. Joshua Wyser, Judge, LASC
Moderator: Diane M. Goodman, Esq.
16:00 - 16:15
Abbas Hadjian, Esq., B.A., MPA, J.D., CFLS, Attorney at Law